vitanhegra b12


vitanhegra b12

Synthetic liver extract in B ComplexHematopoietic, hemoglobin-producing, restorative, and antianemic vitamins and antineurics.


In each 100 ml are found:

50 ml of synthetic liver extract

B12: 50,000 micrograms

1,000 mg of vitamin B1

B2 vitamin 500 mg

1,000 mg of vitamin B6

100 ml of vehicle cbp

vitanhegra b12 INDICATIONS:

It is prescribed for the treatment and prevention of deficits in vitamin B complex brought on by undernutrition, anaemia, stress, bleeding, or excessive handling of animals.

Hematopoietic, hemoglobin-producing, restorative, and antianemic vitamins and antineurics.


10 ml every third day for horses and cattle.

Sheep and goats: 5 ml each third day.

5 ml every third day, one month prior to farrowing, for pregnant pigs.

1 ml every three days for piglets.

2 ml every third day for canines.

1 ml every third day for cats.

0.5 ml per day for fighting cocks.
Intramuscular is the administration route.
100 mL are presented.
WARNING: Keep away from direct sunlight.

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