Menbutil 100ml


Menbutil 100ml

Pharmacological properties.
Menbutil belongs to the group of choleretic drugs.
Menbuton increases the amount of secreted bile and the content of cholates in it, increases the osmotic gradient between bile and blood, which enhances the filtration of water and electrolytes into the bile capillaries, accelerates the flow of bile through the biliary tract, prevents the formation of gallstones, and enhances the digestive and motor activity of the small intestine.
The mechanism of action of menbuton is due to reflexes with the intestinal mucosa, as well as the effect on exosecretion of the liver.
After intramuscular or intravenous administration, Menbuton is rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream and enters the liver, pancreas and stomach. The maximum concentration in the blood is reached after 60 minutes and is maintained at a therapeutic level for 24 hours after a single injection. High concentrations of menbutone are found in bile 2-4 hours after administration.
Menbuton is excreted from the body mainly with urine, bile and feces, in lactating animals – also with milk.

Indications for use:
Choleretic agent for indigestion, toxemia, ketosis, anorexia, liver and pancreas disorders.

Menbutil 100ml Dosage:
Menbutil is administered to animals deeply intramuscularly or slowly intravenously once a day at a dose of 1 ml per 10 kg of animal weight (10 mg of active ingredient per 1 kg of animal weight), no more than 5 days.
The recommended maximum dose for cattle is 20-40 ml per animal, for calves – 5-15 ml per animal.
The maximum volume of Menbutil for administration to an animal in one place should not exceed 20 ml; after injection, the injection site must be thoroughly massaged.

Side effects.
When using the drug in accordance with this instruction, side effects and complications are not observed.

Contraindications .
A contraindication to the use of the drug is the individual hypersensitivity of the animal to the components of the drug.
The drug is not recommended for use in animals with cardiac arrhythmias, hyperemia and obstruction of the biliary tract, for pregnant females in the last trimester of pregnancy.

Special instructions:
Menbutil should not be used concurrently with medications containing calcium, antibiotics of the penicillin group, procaine, B vitamins, and also mixed with other medicinal products in the same syringe.
Slaughter of cattle for meat is allowed 3 days after the last use of the drug. The meat of animals that were forcedly killed before the expiration of the specified period can be used for feeding fur-bearing animals.
Milk of dairy animals may be used for food purposes not earlier than 72 hours after the last administration of the medicinal product. Milk obtained earlier than the established period can be used after boiling in animal feed.

Storage conditions and shelf life:
Store the drug in the manufacturer’s sealed packaging, in a dry, dark place and inaccessible to unauthorized persons, separately from
food and feed at temperatures from 0 ° C to 25 ° C.
Standard packaging: bottles of 100, 250 and 500 ml.

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