Looking for the best deals on Prascend for horses? Discover the ideal Prascend dosage, prices, and where to buy, along with essential information on giving Prascend, potential side effects, and personal experiences. Explore the best prices and options at Tractor Supply and understand the risks involved.
Welcome to the ultimate guide on Prascend for horses! In this comprehensive article, we’ll cover everything you need to know, from where to buy Prascend and its dosage to the best prices, potential side effects, and real-life experiences. Whether you’re a seasoned horse owner or a first-timer, this guide aims to provide expert insights and valuable information.
Where to Buy Prascend for Horses
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PRASCEND tablets are rectangular, light-red, half-scored tablets containing 1 mg pergolide, as pergolide mesylate, a dopamine receptor agonist for oral use in horses only. It’s used for the control of clinical signs associated with PPID in horses. PRASCEND tablets should not be crushed due to the potential for increased human exposure.
Learn more about PRASCEND and how it works to help control the clinical signs of PPID in horses by watching this video. PRASCEND is contraindicated in horses with hypersensitivity to pergolide mesylate or other ergot derivatives.
Dosage & Administration
Preserved and protected in foil blister packs, the single-scored tablets make it simple to adjust dosage. Administer orally at a starting dose of 2 mcg/kg once daily. Dosage may be adjusted to effect, not to exceed 4 mcg/kg daily. PRASCEND tablets should not be crushed due to the potential for increased human exposure and care should be taken to minimize exposure when splitting tablets.
FDA-Approved as Safe and Effective
A large, multi-site field study showed PRASCEND was effective in controlling clinical signs associated with PPID in horses and ponies. Additional safety monitoring was conducted during the field study, as well as a six-month margin of safety study that demonstrated PRASCEND was safe for use in horses at the labeled dosage by performing studies that used 2X the maximum dosage.1,2 Treatment with PRASCEND may cause loss of appetite. Most cases are mild. vet medication for sale
PRASCEND is Proven and Effective
Get the most proven treatment available to control the clinical signs associated with pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction (PPID) in horses with PRASCEND.1 PRASCEND has not been evaluated in breeding, pregnant or lactating horses. Adverse reactions may occur if animals other than horses ingest PRASCEND tablets.

Dosage & Administration
The product should be administered orally, once daily. To facilitate administration, the required daily dose should be placed in a small amount of water and/or mixed with molasses or other sweetener and agitated until dissolved. In this case, the dissolved tablets should be administered with a syringe. The whole amount should be administered immediately. Tablets should not be crushed.
Where to Buy Prascend for Horses Starting dose
The starting dose is 2 µg pergolide/kg (dose range: 1.3 to 2.4 µg/kg) body weight. Studies from the published literature cite the most common, average dose as 2 µg pergolide/kg with a range from 0.6 to 10 µg pergolide/kg (0.25 mg to 5 mg total daily dose per horse). The starting dose (2 µg pergolide/kg) should then be titrated according to the individual response as determined by monitoring
Maintenance dose
Life long treatment is anticipated for this disease. Most horses respond to therapy and are stabilised at an average dose of 2 µg pergolide/kg body weight. Clinical improvement with pergolide is expected within 6 to 12 weeks. Horses may respond clinically at lower or varying doses; it is therefore recommended to titrate to the lowest effective dose per individual based on response to therapy, whether it is effectiveness or signs of intolerance. Some horses may require doses as high as 10 µg pergolide/kg body weight per day. In these rare situations, appropriate additional monitoring is advised.
Following initial diagnosis, repeat endocrinologic testing for dose titration and monitoring of treatment at intervals of 4 to 6 weeks until stabilisation or improvement of clinical signs and/or diagnostic testing occurs. Where to Buy Prascend for Horses
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