Baycox 250ml


Baycox 250ml

for the prevention of Isospora suis-caused coccidiosis in young pigs and lambs. Piglets between the ages of birth and three to four weeks are susceptible to diarrhea, dehydration, appetite loss, poor development, and occasionally even death from Isospora suis infection.

Active Ingredients: Toltrazuril 50 mg/mL as an oral suspension. Bottled in 250mL quantities.

Indication: Management of young piglets’ Isospora suis-induced coccidiosis. Piglets between the ages of birth and three to four weeks are susceptible to diarrhea, dehydration, appetite loss, poor development, and occasionally even death due to I. suis infection. In piglets, clinical coccidiosis manifests between the ages of 5 and 30 days. Because it targets the parasite in the animal at every stage, a single dosage is successful. The best way to control the illness is to provide the medicine as a prophylactic measure before intestinal damage and diarrhea start. In order to control this condition, it is crucial to determine whether coccidia are the source of the scouring in newborn piglets and, if so, to treat all future litters starting at 3–6 days of age.

Baycox 250ml Dosage: TRAITMENT: 1 mL/piglet given orally. Attend to any piglet that is infected or at risk.
PIGGLE PREVENTION: 1 mL. Beginning at 3–6 days of age, treat every piglet.

Cleanliness and hygiene, along with treating each piglet individually, are essential to the treatment and management of coccidiosis.

Baycox 250ml Time of Withholding: 49 days.

for the avoidance of clinical coccidiosis symptoms in young pigs raised on farms where Isospora suis-caused coccidiosis has been documented in the past.

For the purpose of preventing the development of clinical symptoms of coccidiosis and reducing the amount of coccidia shed in housed calves that replace dairy cows on farms where coccidiosis caused by Eimeria bovis or Eimeria zuernii has been verified in the past.

For the purpose of keeping lambs on farms where Eimeria crandallis and Eimeria ovinoidalis have been proven to induce coccidiosis from developing clinical symptoms and reducing coccidia shedding.

Pigs are the target species (Piglet) Livestock (calf – found on dairy farms) Cows (Lambs)

Baycox 250ml Usage: Before using, the oral suspension that is ready to use has to be shaken.

Piglets: Care given to each individual animal. A single oral dosage of 20 mg toltrazuril/kg body weight, or 0.4 ml oral suspension per kg body weight, is to be administered to each pig on days 3-5 of life. Owing to the tiny amounts needed to treat each piglet, it is advised to utilize dosing equipment with a 0.1 ml dosage accuracy. Treatment during an epidemic won’t do much good for a single piglet since the small intestine has already been damaged.

Calves: A single oral dosage of 15 mg toltrazuril/kg body weight, or 3.0 ml oral suspension per 10 kg body weight, should be administered to each animal. When treating a group of animals who are either the same breed or of a comparable age, the dosage should be determined by the heaviest member of the group. Animals should get treatment during the prepatent period, which is before the anticipated start of clinical symptoms, in order to reap the greatest benefit.

Lambs: A single oral dosage of 20 mg toltrazuril/kg body weight, or 0.4 ml oral suspension per kg body weight, should be administered to each animal. Animals should get treatment during the prepatent period, which is before the anticipated start of clinical symptoms, in order to reap the greatest benefit.

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