vanguard plus 5



vanguard plus 5

Canine Distemper-Adenovirus Type 2-Coronavirus-Parainfluenza-Parvovirus Vaccine from Pfizer Animal Health is a modified live and killed virus vaccine.
Only for use in dogs
Healthy dogs 6 weeks of age and older can receive the Vanguard Plus 5/CV vaccine to help prevent canine distemper caused by the CD virus, infectious canine hepatitis (ICH) caused by the CAV-1 canine adenovirus, respiratory illness caused by the CAV-2 canine adenovirus, canine parainfluenza caused by the CPI virus, and enteritis caused by the CCV and CBV canine and canine parvovirus (CPV).


1. General Instructions: Vaccination is advised for healthy pets. Give 1 mL subcutaneously or intramuscularly after aseptically rehydrating the freeze-dried vaccine (Vanguard Plus 5) with the accompanying vial of liquid vaccine (FirstDose® CV).

2. Primary Immunization: Healthy puppies older than 6 weeks should get 3 doses of the first vaccination, each given 3 weeks apart.

3. Revaccination: A single dose of annual revaccination is advised, though the American Veterinary Medical Association and its Council on Biologic and Therapeutic Agents state that the attending veterinarian should choose the frequency based on the animal’s lifestyle and risk of exposure.

vanguard plus 5 PRECAUTIONS:

1. Store at 2 to 7 °C. Long-term exposure to hotter environments and/or intense sunshine may have a negative impact on potency. Avoid freezing.

2. When initially opened, use the full contents.

3. To administer this vaccination, sterilized syringes and needles should be used. Avoid chemical sterilization since the vaccine might become inactive if disinfectant residue is present.

4. Destroy all containers and their contents.

5. Gentamicin is used as a preservative.

6. Pregnant cows shouldn’t receive vaccinations.

7. Anaphylaxis may develop following vaccination, as with many vaccinations. Epinephrine is advised as the initial antidote and should be followed by the proper supportive treatment.

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